Tag Archives: VO2 max

What is all this buzz on “Tabata” Training??


With so many new training methods being introduced into the fitness world, you probably have been asking yourself what are some of the most effective ways to torch “body-fat”? Glad you asked!

If you are  not in the “Know”, then you are asking yourself, “what in the world is a tabata”? And if you are in the “Know”, then this will give you some ideas on different tabata workouts to do. So lets start from the beginning!

The “Tabata Method” is one of the top three leading interval training protocols right now in the fitness world. It was developed in 1996 by a Japanese researcher named Dr. Izumi Tabata. He conducted test on two groups of athletes; comparing moderately high intensity with high intensity interval training.

The resulted showed that the athletes who trained with high intensity interval training showed improvements in both their aerobic systems and their anaerobic systems. The athletes who trained with moderate intensity interval training only improved their aerobic system, and had little to no increase in their anaerobic system.

These high-intensity spurts generally have an individual working at 170% of their VO2 MAX. Basically you can get much more done using a Tabata training than you can in long distance running.

With this form of High-Intensity Interval Training, exercisers can maximize fat burning and muscle building potential!!



  • -You will improve your aerobic system much more than traditional cardio and also improve your anaerobic system at the same time.
  • -Shorter workouts
  • -It will fire up your metabolism and give you the “After-Burn Effect”(meaning that even after you have finished the Tabata workout, you will still be burning calories)
  • -Because of the high-intensity, it will build your mental toughness. So push through!


  • -Because of the high intensity Tabata requires you to do, it could be dangerous when you perform this exercise when you are prone to strokes and heart attacks. Consult your physician if you have any history of high blood pressure, heart attacks or are prone to strokes, etc.
  • -There is a chance you can injure yourself if you are using weights in your tabata workout, so be careful and follow proper lifting techniques.



Do 20 seconds of a high-intensity exercise/10 sec of rest for 8 Cycles

I like to use The Tabata Method at the end of my strength training workouts as a “FINISHER”, to really kick-start my metabolism and finish strong with all of my workouts. Here are some of my favorite Tabata exercises that I use with some of my clients and you can use them too!!

  • Mountain Climbers 8x20sec, 10rest
  • Burpees 8x20sec, 10 sec rest
  • Push-Ups/Squats 8x20sec, 10 sec rest (Alternate exercises every cycle)
  • Barbell Squats(Cycle 1,3), Push-Ups(Cycle 2,5), Pull-Ups(Cycle 4,6), Sprint in Place(Cycle 7,8)

Ohhh and before I forget, check out “www.gymboss.com” to get and Interval Timer for your Tabata Workouts!!


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Nedufitness…Making Fitness Last A Lifetime..

So what about High Intensity Interval Training?


First, lets break down the words “High Intensity” and “Interval Training”



One of two of the most effective fat-burning methods of exercise is High Intensity Training. So what exactly is it? Well, glad you asked!

Essentially it involves giving maximum effort with an exercise movement in order to achieve muscle fatigue and maximum oxygen use in a quick burst.

Key take aways:

-The harder the individual works, the more oxygen the muscles require

VO2Max is the highest amount of oxygen consumed by your body during exercise


-Working your body close to its VO2Max triggers the *****AFTER-BURN EFFECT*****(Wondering why there are stars around this word? Because it is awesommmmmmmmmmmmee!!!!)

-“AFTER-BURN EFFECT” is when you continue to consume O2 hours after workouts (Wondering why this is cool?)

-Your body will continue to burn calories for up to 48hours after the workout. It takes about 5 calories to consume 1Liter of O2.




The second most effective fat-burning method is Interval Training. So what is it then? (Your asking the right questions)

Interval Training is basically just alternating periods of high-intensity with period of low-intensity.


-A 20min workout of high/low intensity will burn more calories than a 20mins of steady intensity

-It will boost your metabolism and build lean muscle faster than steady state intensity




By combining these two methods you get High Intensity Interval Training. Now you maximize your fat burn and muscle building potential through shorter workouts.


-While Cardio addresses just your aerobic fitness, HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING (HIIT) adresses both aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic exercise (cardio) is activity that strengthens the lungs and heart and improves your body’s ability to use oxygen and Anaerobic exercise comprises brief, strength-based activities, such as sprinting or bodybuilding.

-HIIT effects muscle tissue at a cellular level by actually changing the mitochondrial activity in the muscles themselves.

-Studies have shown that about 27minutes of HIIT 3x/week produces the same anaerobic and aerobic improvement as 60minutes of cardio 5x/week.



High Intensity Interval Training is not for everyone. Even though it is an incredibly effective method for improving fitness in a short amount of time, it is very taxing on the body. You gotta be dedicated and committed to do these.






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Nedufitness…Making Fitness Last A Lifetime..